Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine Departure : Heart Shaped Piece of Bone !!!

Feb 11 - My aunt expired. She had a brain stroke and then a series of complications which finally led to her death. She was 67. [ The hospital and the struggle with the administration being the topic of much concern in our society had a role to play once more...... No comments at the moment.]
Feb 12 - Funeral - I have only been to two funerals before in my lifetime where I saw the body being burnt. The peculiar thing for me was the noise of the bursting skull. I had never known that before and it was the sign that the soul has escaped. Had the noise not been there, the skull would have been broken by a wooden stick. I am not sure .....but can someone confirm by technical means that it is the skull which bursts and makes a noise due to the fire or can it be any other part of the body ? And also in the previous two cases there wasnt any noise and hence the skull was broken using a wooden stick instead. There was another fact which I had come to know of ...that was a "heart shaped" piece of your bone is supposed to be carrying the soul and is sought while collecting the remains n ashes for the last rites.

Feb 14 - Garh Mukteshwar which is around 90 Kms from Delhi in UP is the nearest place from Delhi where the River Ganges flows. All the ashes and remains were immersed in Ganges. Its a separate issue that Death was the source of livelihood for many there, the boatman, the pundit and whosoever was involved, would try to extract the maximum amount of money. The more money you give to the pundit (priest), the prayers would be more precise and elaborate and that would allegedly mean that the departed soul would get Mukti/Moksh easily and/or for sure.

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